The main premise of the CLUE KIT® is simple: follow the steps on each Template, answering questions on each step as you go. After each player shares their thoughts, they turn over a card from one of the three sets, making connections between what is shown on the card to their experiences. This page will guide you through any questions you may have about using the CLUE KIT®, to give you and everyone else a better time.



Before you play

Set an objective for each game: what do you want to achieve by the end of it? This could be anything from a better understanding of yourself to the solution to a problem. Once it is decided, follow the steps on your Template.

*Each game can be played with one or more players. Those who play alone may write their answers on a sheet of paper instead, so that they may revisit their thoughts later. Games with more than one person should be played through conversations.

Basic Rules

1. No-card Answer – Before any cards are drawn, the player should always share their own honest thoughts as instructed by the Templates. These should be prepared answers each player already has in their hearts.

2. Once the player has shared their thoughts, they draw one card, before proceeding to the next step. This can be done in a number of ways:Players may lay the cards face-down and pick at random, or face-up and choose whichever they prefer.

  1. Players may lay the cards face-down and pick at random, or face-up and choose whichever they prefer.
  2. To choose the deck they should draw from, players can randomly decide with the provided dice, or make their own decision between the Artist, Scientist, or Querist decks.
  3. Or, in both of the above cases, players may choose to have other players pick for them.
  4. There are no concrete ‘rules’ as such. Every decision can be changed if others agree.

3. Make connections between the card and the topic at hand. Players should share their interpretations of the images/phrases on the cards honestly, before saying how they believe it relates to the main topic. Interpretations should be spontaneous and intuitive; there are no wrong answers, so just enjoy the conversation as it unfolds.

4. For each topic, each player may also choose to draw more than 1 card to delve even deeper into the current discussion, or to possibly help them better interpret the first card.


CLUE KIT® Deluxe

Drawing connections and associations from cards help create opportunities for new perspectives and ideas. You may discover a previously unconsidered angle, or any feelings or thoughts you may have otherwise forgotten or repressed.

Guiding Questions

What would you see when you zoom out from this photo?

How would you improve upon that?

What are some things you would like to be better at?

If this card was trying to tell you a solution, what would that solution be?

What new meanings can you draw from this?

If you were to ask for advice from someone about this, who would that be?

Do you feel like this card helps you grow as a person?


Don’t let the rules get in the way of having a good time. It’s best to keep a relaxed atmosphere that helps make the conversation flow at its natural pace.

The game is highly flexible, and can change depending on players’ agreements.

There are no winners or losers, right or wrong answers. It is a game of creativity, where improvisation and honesty are most important. Players should open themselves to new ideas and viewpoints, so they can see new possibilities or reconsider forgotten ideas.

Having conversations are important. Deep, meaningful conversations are necessary for strengthening relationships and understanding each other.

Always come back to the Template, no matter how the conversation strays. Adhering to the Template and cards allows players to focus on others’ words rather than considering their next questions.

Listeners should focus on the speaker, to develop their patience and listening skills. Players may ask follow-up questions or ask for clarification if necessary, while remaining respectful and open to each other.

Speakers may share anything thoughts or feelings they wish. This game encourages players to reveal their deepest thoughts, though those who feel uncomfortable may decline to if they choose.

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